Shop Floor Control

Food & Beverage Distribution


Get real-time updates from the shop floor via our interactive tablet application or traditional barcoding

Many manufacturers spend significant time and effort trying to predict the future with planning and scheduling applications. Yet, recording what, where, when, why and how your products are currently being manufactured is just as critical and is a key element to a more accurate schedule. WYS’s Shop Floor Control and Mobility solutions make it easy to quickly and accurately gather information from the manufacturing process.

Shop Floor Control


Key Benefits

Company Management
  • Easy-to-use but powerful functionality increases user satisfaction and data accuracy.
  • Real-time updates from manufacturing enabling you to make educated decisions that affect your business operations.
  • User configurable tablet application allows the user to optimize the system on the fly.
  • Native application designed from the ground up as part of Advanced Manufacturing.
  • Issue materials, enter production, record downtime and identify quality issues as they happen.

Our Services

Unique Software Consulting
Software Consulting
We've got the experienced and expertise to lead you in the right direction.
Business Needs Analysis
Analysis helps to achieve the business goals and objectives
Training Needs Of Off Site
ERP Training offers bespoke, cost-effective and flexible options
Support Services
Support Services
All types of technical problems are supported by our skilled support team to provide clear and simple solution