Wise – Retail Account Payable



Accounts Payable

With Accounts payable software, you can monitor your cash flow by tracking all your outstanding invoice payments as well as available discounts, due dates, and cash requirements. And because our accounts payable solutions run in the cloud, you can access your reports anytime, anywhere by opening a web browser.

Accounts payable software automates receiving the invoices from your suppliers and sub-contractors. It also ensures timely and accurate payment to those creditors, which can improve your relationship with them because they appreciate it greatly.

Account Payable


Multiple AP Accounts in GL

Link groups of vendors to specific AP accounts in the GL. Default account can be overridden during bill or payment processing. It automatically offsets the correct account when the payment is applied.

Vendor Refunds

Vendor refund documents debit a cash account and debit an AP account. Apply a refund toward a debit adjustment or prepayment.

Vendor Account Security

Control access within your accounts payable software by specifying which individuals and roles can view and modify vendor account information and balances. Restrict sensitive vendor information.

AP Aging Reports

Customize your AP aging categories and create a full set of aging reports including total outstanding, past due, cash requirements, and vendor performance.


Accept Vendor Prepayments

Enter prepayment requests, issue prepayments, and apply prepayments to invoices as they are received. Prepayment balance is kept separate from the regular AP account.

Recognize Prepaid Expenses

Assign a deferred expense schedule by AP line item. Automatically split payments between the prepaid account and expense accounts.

Optimize Payments

Avoid late charges and take advantage of vendor discounts by aligning payments with cash flows.

Attach Source Documents to Invoices

Streamline invoice approval and make it easier to resolve issues in the future. When you receive source documents via email or scanning, they’re attached to the invoice for easy drill-down access.

Our Services

Unique Software Consulting
Software Consulting
We've got the experienced and expertise to lead you in the right direction.
Business Needs Analysis
Analysis helps to achieve the business goals and objectives
Training Needs Of Off Site
ERP Training offers bespoke, cost-effective and flexible options
Support Services
Support Services
All types of technical problems are supported by our skilled support team to provide clear and simple solution