Receiving & In-process Inspections

Food & Beverage Distribution


Receiving & In-process Inspections

Tests that are to be performed on an item can be performed on demand, upon receipt and during the process of manufacturing. As the tests have already been defined, they are easily attached to the item or operation to ensure compliance with your company’s quality control procedures. Items that fail the inspection can be moved to a hold location for further processing.

Receiving & In-process Inspections
  • Enforce compliance to minimum quality standards
  • Automatic prompting for inspection / test results
  • Workflow based handling of non-conforming materials

Our Services

Unique Software Consulting
Software Consulting
We've got the experienced and expertise to lead you in the right direction.
Business Needs Analysis
Analysis helps to achieve the business goals and objectives
Training Needs Of Off Site
ERP Training offers bespoke, cost-effective and flexible options
Support Services
Support Services
All types of technical problems are supported by our skilled support team to provide clear and simple solution